The weekend started by Steve and I going to Nashville Friday night to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. We walked around downtown Franklin, ate a nice little restaurant called The Red Pony and spent the night at a nice hotel suite. We woke up Saturday morning to heavy rains, tornado warnings, and the sound of sirens. We hung around the hotel to see if it was going to let up, which it did NOT. We then headed to the downtown area and went to the Farmers Market. We then went to Kroger and stocked up on groceries and headed home. We were about 3 miles from our exit when the traffic was stopped. Assuming there was an accident we waited for over 2 hours. Come to find out there was flash flood and there was water on the Interstate...AFTER our exit. So we got on the shoulder and got off at the next exit and headed home. The water was indeed over the interstate, crazy enough! We got home unloaded the groceries...all the while it was pouring...and went and picked up our children. The next morning Cane Creek was HIGH and the Buffalo River was blocking the highway as well. At about 8 in the morning the electricity went out too! It was at until Tuesday evening! Meanwhile because the INterstate was closed the HP was sending people down our way to get back on I-40. They didn't know that our road was closed. Well several semi-trucks made it though, or then turned around and headed back towards Centerville, but. . .2 passenger cars and about Semi's were stuck here between high water and a washed out Highway. The local people (who were also w/o electricity, water, etc...) made food for them and we had the older couple from Kansas stay with us. It was quite an experience needless to say!

Our Neighbor across the road from us had water going all around his house...it never got inside though!
Our neighbors to the west..See their Mailbox?!?!?!
Our children playing in the driveway. They wanted to play in the water and being the paranoid Mom that I am this is the only place I let them play...and I was nervous at that!
Our local lumber yard, Quality Metals, had water running right through their buildings. It did not however get in the office area.
So, that is it in a nut-shell...something we will remember forever and tell our grandchildren about!