Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Mawidge is what bwings us togever today...

So, Steve and I, along with 3 other couples attended a marriage conference this past weekend. Let me start at the beginning. A couple months ago we were visiting my cousin in Memphis. While we were there we mentioned a "disagreement" that we had. He suggested a book called "Love and Respect." So we borrowed it, and I started reading it right away. When I had time I decided to look up the ministry. I almost always do this! I would hate to follow the advice of someone, only to find out he has been married 3 times and has 2 children in jail. So he looked honest, been married once, has 3 children and so I finished the book. I also read some articles online. At some point I clicked on "conferences" and low and behold he was coming to Nashville area...in about a month! I was so very excited. It was like God was moving right in my midst, which I know He always does, but I don't always see it. Anyway...
So I contacted my 2 cousins, their wives and my sister..."Lets make a weekend out of it!" So a hotel was booked, registration was made, and let the countdown begin. In the mean time I had finished the book and Steve had started it. The more he read the more he understood, and the more he looked forward to the conference as well.
Okay, so long story short...We all learned an amazing amount...I am actually still processing it all. I laughed (a lot) and I cried, I grimaced (knowing that I had screwed up) and I smiled (with a wink) at Steve knowing he was grimacing as well!  :)  We learned that men NEED respect like we ladies NEED love...especially during conflict. The bottom line though, and what touched my heart the most is that we are COMMANDED to respect our husbands. By whom you ask??? God himself, in his word. Eph. 5:33 says "Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband."  Why would God our creator tell us to reverence our husbands if we did it naturally? We don't, it goes against our nature of who we are. The same thing goes for husbands. God is telling me to reverence Steve, it doesn't however tell me when...so I must assume it is ALL THE TIME. Not just when he treats me well, does what I want him too, I am in a good mood, etc... I reverence Steve because it is what I was told to do. PERIOD! As I reverence Christ my respect will overflow and fall on my husband. This is how God in his infinite wisdom has created us, so who am I to ask why??? If you ever have a chance to go to a conference, I highly recommend it! I will even watch your children while you go! It is life changing, and how Satan is attacking marriage these days, it is worth it! Help us to teach the next generation that enough is enough, we will stand for Christian marriage and NOT let Satan win the battle with the one we love. That commitment is forever, and in the scheme of eternity our little 80-100 years is so insignificant. Here's to a HAPPY MARRIAGE for you too!!!!!!!