January: We brought in the New Year’s with several couples and had a great time. I turned 32 and continue to work part-time for Perry County EMS as an EMT. I enjoy the work and serving my county in this way.
February: Jacob turned 6 and Isaac turned 11. We celebrated with a party with family and friends.

March: Spring started showing her face here in Tennessee and Isaac started his 3rd season of baseball. He was part of a great team this year and finished 1st place and undefeated!
April: Steve’s brother, Kevin, and his family came for a visit! Bethany turned 8, we had a potluck at church so we celebrated with church family. Steve and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary!
May: FLOOD!!!! Tennessee had a 200+ year flood. Nashville was covered and our little Perry County had water everywhere! The creeks and rivers rose to unbelievable levels as people were forced from their homes. Fortunately. we did not get any water in our house, but our driveway was destroyed again. We had an older couple from KS stranded in our little community so we had guests for a couple nights. We were without electricity for 5 days! Tennessee is recovering nicely and you really got to see neighbors helping neighbors and the blessings that comes with that! Steve had a birthday and turned 48. We made a trip to WI for Steve’s niece’s graduation from high school. It was a good trip and wonderful to see family and Wisconsin when it wasn’t covered with snow! J
June: School is out and Summer is here!!! Our 7th year of home schooling is complete! The addition to our “farm” is 30 baby chicks! Creek Time!!! We headed to the creek to cool off just about every afternoon!
July: After 15+ years working construction Steve decided to start a different job. He started working for an online business. That job didn’t work out after just a few weeks, but another door was opened and he is learning the art of computering! J He is also doing odd type jobs for friends and family.
August: We had some friends from Papua New Guinea visit us for the weekend. It was a wonderful time of catching up and fellowship!
We started school again! This year we have a 7th, 6th, 5th, 3rd, and 1st grader.
They are doing wonderfully! Since I work Wednesdays Steve is learning the art of home schooling as well!
September: Shiloh turned 10! We celebrated by taking her to Nashville! We ate out and she finally got her ears pierced! Steve and I went with some friends of ours on a last minute trip to Charleston, SC!
October: Autumn has arrived and it is LOVELY! We took a long weekend and went camping with my sister and her family. The colors that God paints during this season is truly a wonderful sight!
Moriah got a baby-sitting job! She loves watching little Konrad, and his sister Riley as well! |
November: Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for all the blessings that God has blessed us with. Our parents are all healthy and doing well. Our siblings are all blessed and our children are growing…both physically and spiritually. Another big event this month is our oldest daughter turned 13! Yes, we have a teenager! Seems so unreal that she has grown so quickly. She is a beautiful girl both inside and out! She is truly growing into a fine young lady and we are extremely proud of her.
Remember during this Christmas time to give Thanks for the blessings we all enjoy daily. Give thanks for a God who cared enough to send His Son on our behalf. Give thanks that God in his mercy and grace accepted His Son as our substitute.
The Wisconsin Cousins! |
Pops turned 64!!! We love every minute he is with us and we thank God for his health!!! |